bodhimaram-freedom-casting away

There is tremendous freedom in letting go. It is liberation to free ourselves of things that clutter our lives; too many possessions, useless emotions, unhealthy habits, old beliefs, even people who drain our energy. All of these things and more can weigh us down. Every once in a while it’s good to “clean out our closets” literally and figuratively.

Like pruning the dead branches or like a snake shedding its old skin, we need to let go of things which no longer serve or what no longer fit, so that there is room for something new, alive, and what is needed at this time in our lives. Yet, we are a possessive society. We often hold on to things, feelings, and relationships out of habit or even dogmatic, many times, out of fear of being without. For so much of learning, to let go, is about learning to trust. We have to be able to trust that, indeed, new branches will grow, that there is a new skin under the old one. And yet, to the degree that we are willing to let go, we are able to receive. When we stop holding on and clinging to anything, we realize we have everything.

For in reality, we really own nothing. Certainly, we don’t own people. Our spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, children,properties etc are not really “ours.” Even if we own the title to our house or car, such possessions can be gone in a moment, taken by a natural disaster, an accident, or financial circumstances. For everything belongs to the universe, as even we do. When we allow ourselves to rethink our sense of “ownership,” it is easier to let go. We no longer need to feel burdened by the responsibility of having to hold on to something. Rethink the value of a prized book collection, a coveted job, and feelings for an old flame. Perhaps it isn’t necessary to physically get rid of something, but letting go of the power that a person, ideology, or material object possesses, is truly the FREEDOM – P.K.

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bodimaram-7 chakras-‘mooladhara’ or root chakra

It is common knowledge now in various therapy systems the existance of ‘Chakras’ in the body is well recognised.These chakras are power centres whch are responsible for proper functioning of glands.
The first is “Root Chakra” or ‘Mooladhara’ to start with.
.In Vedic texts, the body is interspersed by points of energy known as chakras. The first or root chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is the point of manifestation and is associated with a sense of stability and grounding, courage, loyalty, order, and self preservation. As the first chakra forms a foundation connecting us to life, so is it located at the base of the spine and it is the root and thus associated with the earth. Its primary color is red and its secondary color is black. Your first chakra is a center of balance, which can be an important factor in living energetically, with great awareness, and in prosperity.
In Vedic texts, the body is interspersed by points of energy known as chakras. The first or root chakra, also known as the Muladhara, is the point of manifestation and is associated with a sense of stability and grounding, courage, loyalty, order, and self preservation. As the first chakra forms a foundation connecting us to life, so is it located at the base of the spine and it is the root and thus associated with the earth. Its primary color is red and its secondary color is black. Your first chakra is a center of balance, which can be an important factor in living energetically, with great awareness, and in prosperity.Ideally, the energy of your root chakra is a source of health, wealth, and security. It may seem that some of the root chakra’s other elements, such as greed and anger, are negative, but all are fundamental to a balanced existence and part of spiritual development – P.K

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bodhimaram-friends and friendship

Of all relationships, friendship can be the most versatile and fulfilling because it is a gift bestowed willingly. Each person who receives your friendship should receive a part of you in the form of caring, concern, happiness, and support. In return, you enjoy the companionship of your friends because they offer comfort, cheer, and a shoulder to cry on. Like any relationship, however, friendship does not simply exist, but must be nurtured and encouraged to grow through actions, words, and reciprocal feelings. The first and most important aspect of being a good friend is treating others with the same respect and kindness with which you wish to be treated. Doing so can be a guide in forging friendships with others.
Being a good friend is easiest and most rewarding when you choose your friendships wisely.
Friendships should be built upon a foundation of mutual trust, acceptance, and support. Show them you care, not just using words, but also using actions: Be courteous and kind, honest, and willing to compromise, and shy away from being overly critical. When your friend encounters trouble, support their decision wholeheartedly, but always be willing to tell them when they’re about to step onto a dangerous path. In doing so, you will help your friend flourish in their own way, while still being a there for them. Really listen to and share in your friend’s triumphs as well as their upsets with patience, kindness, and a sense of humor.In any strong friendship, conflict will inevitably arise, but be willing to compromise and respect your friend’s opinions. If they apologize, accept their apology with grace and forgive them promptly. Try to never hold a grudge, because holding on to negative emotions can put a strain on a friendship. Let your friend be who they are, not who you’d prefer them to be. Friends don’t always agree, but it’s helpful to keep in mind that it’s their enjoyment of each other’s company that makes dealing with disagreements worthwhile.

There may be times when you feel ill-equipped to be a good friend, but knowing and admitting this is just another part of a strong friendship. Your friend will understand that you, too, have issues of importance in your life. Developing and maintaining rewarding and lasting friendships is a challenge, but one that yields beautiful results. Later – P.K

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bodhimaram-Agree to disagree

We all have disagreements. To clash at times with family and friends is a part of life. Whether we simply have a difference of opinion with someone or engage in an argument, disagreements offer an opportunity for us to learn and grow.
However, when we are discussing something of importance to us, or if we disagree with someone we don’t particularly like, it may be difficult to keep from becoming angry and exchanging harsh words. From there, it’s all too easy for a disagreement to escalate and become a full blown shouting match
During any disagreement, it’s important to be respectful and let the other person state their opinion. Then listen and really try to hear what the other person is saying. Try to understand not just their words, but their feelings as well. Understanding is more important than agreeing. You may not come to an agreement, but you can agree to disagree and still keep peace. God Bless – P.K
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More than just a place to live, a home is a sanctuary, a place of refuge where serenity awaits. As well as a safe, nurturing place for the body, a home is a shrine for the spirit. We do much to make our homes comfortable and tranquil for ourselves and our families. We want to make our home inviting to our friends, as well. We can also reach out beyond our walls to send that tranquility out to the world, which so desperately needs love and compassion. Imagine sending healing energy that can transform lives without even leaving the comfort of your living room
To create an environment from which to send loving light outward, start by going inward. Take care that your own body is well nurtured physically and spiritually, with prayer, meditation, exercise, and good nutrition. Keeping a clean and tidy house honors the sanctity of your home, but beyond surface cleaning, it’s important to cleanse regularly as well. Apply the spiritual principals of feng shui or vatsu to create harmony in every room of your home. Open windows to let in fresh air and sunshine. Clear stagnant energy by smudging with sage or incense, drumming, and/or clapping.
Ask for a blessing on your home through prayer or meditation. In a quiet place, breathe in calmness and center yourself. Begin to focus on a small, golden ball of light in front of your navel. You may cup your hands around the light and feel its warmth spread through your fingers, up your arms, radiating throughout your body. Imagine the ball of light growing in your hands and open your hands to accommodate it. As it continues to grow, stretch your arms out wider until the golden ball overflows, spilling loving light all over the room. Now watch the light spread throughout your house, pouring out the doors and windows to your garden and into your neighborhood. See the light flow like lava until the whole earth is engulfed in a golden glow of peace and love.
Wish U all the best and peace. Partha krish
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bodhimaram-perspectives and perceptions

Those who renounce the desire for an award, according to the Bhagavad-Gita, attain perfect peace. Being overly focused on the outcome of an action actually ties one down, while being detached enough to view the relativity of the situation sets one free and lends tranquility. Being detached does not mean that one can’t enjoy anything or anyone. It just refers to the fact that clinging very strongly to a person, a thought pattern or an emotional habit makes it difficult to cope with life. We begin to think that if we don’t get a specific job or have a certain relationship, we will be miserable. Being detached means saying that if we achieve a certain goal, we will be fine and if for some reason we don’t, we will still be fine. A Buddhist saying describes detachment as “Not flattered by praise, not hurt by blame.”

Once we are able to detach ourselves from difficulty, we gain a broad perspective and a multiplicity of possibilities become apparent. Many solutions that we would never have considered when we were emotionally drowning in the problem now appear. When you are faced with a particularly trying personal problem, try taking some time to consciously detach yourself. Meditation, listening to calming music and taking a long walk are all possible detachment rituals. Traveling to another location either actually or through a favorite book or film are also good ways of finding a new perspective. When you let go of your limited view and gain greater objectivity, you put the law of Yoga into practice. You open the door togreaterintuition andincreaswed serenity. Om Tat Sat – Partha Krish

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bodhimaram a few info

Not only do studies show that meditation is boosting [the] immune system, but brain scans suggest that it may be rewiring their brains to reduce stress…. Meditation is being recommended by more and more physicians as a way to prevent, slow or at least control the pain of chronic diseases like heart conditions, AIDS, cancer and infertility.

Every day we get reports fro all over the world about the relevance of mind as dealt with extensively in our Yoga Shastra and other sutras and while the west is fast catching up it is a pity in our own land very few realize the importance. A classic example: for years I was getting Maharishi Mahesh Yogis T.V. channel at Chennai even before ‘Sumangali’ or ‘Hathway’ ever thought of a cable job but all of a sudden they stopped it.I indignantly took up the matter with the cable operator , only to get a reply that the channel is not popular and hence blocked While scientific ‘Yoga Mandirams’ are available for a methodical approach to meditation, ‘Praanaayama’ and Yoga a few go to westernized gyms even to know about Yoga.I wish we have a Messiah like Swami Vivekananda. P.K

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bodhimaram – some thoughts

In the 1920s the richest man in America, Andrew Carnegie commissioned a young writer called Napoleon Hill to study America’s most successful men to understand what made them a success. Napoleon Hill put the results of his work into two best-selling books, “The Laws of Success” and “Think and Grow Rich.”

What did Napoleon Hill find?

It was not education, or brains or powerful networks, that were the main determinants of a super-achiever. It was the spiritual and psychic use of their mind.

I have been writing about the power of mind especially at the ‘Alpha’ level Scores of people have adopted various techniques to train this mind to succeed in matrialistic or spiritualistic pursuits. Was it not the urge of the mind that made Siddhartha to go to the”Tree”, sit, think, analyze and ultimately realize? – Partha Krish

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more from the’ maram’

March 16, 2005
Adapting To Motion
Embracing Change

Motivated by the need for security, sometimes we stop taking risks. We love a particular field of study, lifestyle or job, but we let those talents go unnourished because we believe that our dreams are impractical. Instead we spend energy trying to keep things the same as they were before. Yet, we can also look at our existence in a different way, accepting that the world is always in flux instead of trying to keep ourselves grounded. If we could truly accomplish this, we would welcome change instead of fearing it. We would forego security in favor of the excitement of tomorrow. This concept is expressed through the Hindu Law of Maya, one of the seven spiritual truths of that faith. The Law of Maya states that the phenomenal world is always in midst of constant change. An individual has to accept and prepare to face change through designing innovative responses to challenges.In our world of technological complexity and shifting values, we feel even more strongly that we are always in motion. But instead of making change easier, it can make it feel even more daunting. We have to make sure that our creative responses fit our modern needs. Psychological and technological adaptation can help us sort out and meet our desires. While support from family may have been sufficient in an earlier era, we now need other tools as well.

Here are some ways to prepare for and deal with change:

* Get rid of the guilt about change. Instead of thinking that change is a punishment, begin viewing it as a necessary and positive part of life, which always opens the door to something new.

* Surround yourself with positive role models. Get to know people who flow with life instead of fighting it every step of the way.

* Plan for and celebrate each step. As you find yourself changing, either emotionally or practically, take time to savor the moment.

* Practice changing. Try something new every week so that when an unexpected change comes your way, you’ll be a pro at handling it.

* Keep an open mind. Instead of assuming that things are “good” or “bad,” wait and see how life develops.

According to Indian philosophy, change is not just inevitable; it can be used as a tool to reach a higher spiritual state. If we learn how to enjoy the motion of the world and how to adapt ourselves within it, change can become a part of our highest expression, our most sacred self. Bye now – Partha Krishna

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bodhimaram-the tree

Hi Folks! All the best in the world to U.This is a new blog but the author or rather authors are all old but gold. Their sayings are not ‘old wine in new bottle’ but ancient ‘Amruth’ in modern bottle’. After all ‘Amruth’ was got by churning the milky ocean with great effort. These words of ‘Amruth’ was developed after churning the Ocean of life itself. Time comes in cycles. The birth and death of plants and animals are also in cycles. Remember the famous quote of Aadi Sankara’s “Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam Punarapi Janani Jadare Sayanam” (aside: those of U who have not heard the musical rendering of this by M.S.S may kindly do so)? Of course, the following passages are also important but let us take it up later.
If so, who are we, what are we, and what will we be in the ‘Time Cycle’? A million dollar question isn’t it?
Let us try to find some answer atleast to quench our curiosity thirst if not for the soul’s unrest. P.K.
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